Introduction to the virtual far-side assessment protocol
Today, at the 27th ESV Conference in Yokohama, Corina Klug presented the virtual testing approach of Euro NCAP for far-side assessments ‘Euro NCAP virtual testing – Crashworthiness’. The Euro NCAP Virtual Testing protocol for far-side is ready for the monitoring phase starting in 2024. Obviously it is rather hard to present all the work on stage in ten minutes. Therefore a follow-up briefing session will be organised.
During this online workshop – taking place on June 7, 2023 – you will get an introduction to the procedure and learn about the requested simulations and data derived. There will a Q&A-session afterwards, directly with those who have developed the procedure. This webinar is organised by Euro NCAP and OVTO (The Open VT Organisation).
Michiel van Ratingen | Secretary General at Euro NCAP, chairman of VTC working group
Euro NCAP’s roadmap for virtual testing and rational behind it
Corina Klug | TU Graz, secretary of VTC working group
The VTC Farside Procedure – Which steps are performed when and by whom?
Which criteria have to be fulfilled for a valid virtual testing result during the monitoring period starting by 2024.
Martin Schachner | TU Graz
Small demo of the VTC web application – What is it and who is going to use it in which steps?
A more detailed hands on workshop is planned for the 27th of June.
Target audience
Everyone interested in the virtual far side protocols; specifically those who will perform simulations, prepare simulation models, perform validation tests