
VIDEO: How to improve safety assessment using Virtual Testing and Human Body Models?

IRCOBI Europe: pre-conference workshop by OSCCAR and VIRTUAL

On 10 September 2019 Horizon2020 projects OSCCAR and VIRTUAL organised a pre-conference workshop on Virtual Testing and open-source Human Body Models. The goal of the workshop was to gather the thoughts and ideas from experts and stakeholders within the virtual testing community.

Around 80 world experts from various fields connected to virtual testing came together in Florence to discuss the chances and challenges of the application of HBMs in virtual safety assessments for internal product development. Strategies were discussed on how to overcome barriers and bottle necks for facilitating maximum use of HBMs.

In small groups certain topics were discussed, such as:

  • expectations from Virtual Testing (VT) in safety assessment of new vehicles
  • what are the needs and bottle necks from an industrial user perspective

The presentations that were given are now available online.

Listen to what these experts in virtual testing have to say regarding virtual testing and the outcome of this workshop.