Open access virtual testing protocols for enhanced road user safety

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Open access tools

Open Source Human Body Models

VIRTUAL’s objective is to improve the safety of road users by providing procedures and open access tools to assess the benefit of new safety systems. The goal is to establish an European based global hub for Open Source Virtual Testing and to demonstrate its success in traffic safety.

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Crash simulation tools

Virtual Testing Platform

VIRTUAL will develop computationally efficient, robust crash simulation tools and standardised protocols for impact scenarios not yet considered in regulations or consumer testing. An Open VT platform will be established to provide stakeholders with all models, tools and protocols for virtual testing.

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Closing the gap

Road User Protection

VIRTUAL will close the gap between virtual testing and standardised vehicle safety assessments by providing models of the humans and the protocols and criteria needed to identify the foremost road user protection beyond the scope of physical testing and provide a method for cost-benefit analysis of novel systems.

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Work packages
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