From 29 september till 2 October 2020 the Urban Mobility Days online conference will take place. Astrid Linder, VIRTUAL project coordinator, will speak during following session:
Innovation and city design for urban road safety
01-10-2020 15:15 – 16:15 (1 hour)
More than 600 people have registered for this promising session, from orgisations such as local/regional authorities, national governments, industry and consulting firms.
The theme of the conference is “Zero Emission Mobility for All”, a title which is in line with the objectives of the European Green Deal and the theme of European Mobility Week taking place a week before. Considering the extraordinary global health situation, the conference will take place online and topics of the conference and plenary sessions will reflect key aspects related to planning and innovation of urban mobility in times of crisis. The programme and registration are available here: