
Safety of Vehicle – Safety of Passenger

The conference on safety of bus, minibus and tram passengers discussed many topics of safety in public transport took place mid May. The interest in falling passengers was relevant for both driver training and public safety. There were multiple presentations on perceived and actual risks in buses & trams that VIRTUAL contributed to with information and solutions.

The European Conference during which carriers, manufacturers and eminent experts analyze and discuss with one common goal, Zero Fatalities;

  • threat to safety of bus, minibus and tram travelers and possibility to eliminate dangers,
  • influence of vehicle construction and equipment on safety of travelers,
  • accidents and their consequences, the latest developments, solutions and so on,
  • conclusions and recommendations coming from the discussion are sent to carriers, vehicle producers, organizations, journalists, trade portals and so on.

VIRTUAL publications on this topic (passengers on public transport) can be found on our Dissemination page »