
VIVA+ online hackathon

From 23 September to 14 October the VIVA+ online hackathon took place, bringing together the Open Science community of Human Body Model users and developers from academia and industry. Participants got a hands-on introduction to VIVA+ Open Models and workflows, learnt how to become an Open-Source contributor for VIVA+ models, received support from VIVA+ developers on Hackathon projects and had weekly interactions with other teams and mentors. Also hands-on workshops on VIVA+ workflows took place every Thursday afternoon during the Hackathon-month. Human Body Model users have been working together on problems using Open Source VIVA+ models and associated tools.

Have a look at this video containing two VIVA+ HBM applications that were explored by the Hackthon participants. These are preliminary results; simulations that participants tried out with limited time during the hackathon.

These presenters won a scolarship from VIRTUAL to attend IRCOBI conference next year:

  • Manuel Valdana (Comillas): E-scooter rider application; a simulation of VIVA+ on an e-scooter
  • Jonny Genzel (VTI) and Konstantin Petrow (IAV-S): Rear-impact simulations for VIVA+ 50F and 50M on Chalmers laboratory seat